If you suffer a work-related injury, you may need to hire a workers' compensation lawyer. While you may have sustained serious medical problems as a result of your injury, your employer may not necessarily be at fault. Here are some of the most common work-related injuries and what things your workers' compensation lawyer may investigate to determine if your employer was negligent or responsible for your injuries:
Slip-And-Fall Injuries
One of the most common types of work-related injuries is the injury sustained as a result of a "slip and fall." If you fall on a floor that was slippery or wet, or if you trip over an object that was obstructing the pathway on the floor, you may sustain a serious injury.
Your workers' compensation attorney will try to determine what caused you to fall; however, a cause may never be determined. You may have tripped over your shoelaces, your ankle or knee could have simply "given out," or you may have been wearing ill-fitting shoes that caused you to trip.
Your lawyer, along with your employer, will review video footage of the incident to determine if the floor was wet or if there was an object on the floor that made you trip. Also, if the floor that you fell on was wet, and you walked on it, disregarding the yellow caution "wet floor" signs, your employer may not be held responsible for your injuries.
The lawyer may also ask your employer to review the company's safety guidelines as they pertain to cleaning up spills promptly and ensuring that nothing is left on the floors that could present a danger to employees or visitors.
If your legal team determines that your employer was not at fault, you may not be entitled to workers' compensation benefits. In addition, your lawyer may ask that you visit his or her law office so that your deposition can be taken. This will be your legal account of the events that took place before, during, and after the incident.
Repetitive Motion And Carpal Tunnel
Repetitive motion injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome are also common types of work-related injuries. If your work involves frequent computer use, your tendons and muscles may become sore, inflamed, or even permanently damaged.
Not only can repetitive motion injuries cause pain in your fingers, palms of your hands, and wrists, but they can also cause visual problems, neck pain, back problems, and diminished range of motion.
Your workers' compensation lawyer may visit your place of employment to evaluate the office furniture that you use such as your desk and chair to determine if they are ergonomically designed to reduce the risk for injuries.
Your employers policy and procedure manual may also be reviewed by your attorney to determine which steps are in place to protect employees from repetitive motion injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome. While working on a computer all day at your job may contribute to your injuries, you may have to prove that it is the primary cause and not related to your personal computer work at home or from excessive texting.
If you have been injured at work, make an appointment with a workers' compensation lawyer. He or she, along with your physician and employer, will review your case to determine if you should be granted compensation benefits. It is important to note that if you accept the terms of your workers' compensation benefit plan, you may be unable to pursue litigation against your employer at a future date, should you become disabled as a result of your work-related injuries or if your injuries turn out to be permanent.