Divorce often comes with unexpected turns, hurdles, and other challenges. Divorcing someone in a substance abuse health crisis does not disappoint in this area. If you've come to the end of a partnership with someone who is abusing alcohol, prescription medications, illegal drugs, or another substance, it's essential you know what you might be up against.
Basic Rights
The fact that your ex-spouse has a substance abuse problem does not mean that they don't have any basic rights when it comes to the court system.
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What Options Are Available For Enforcing A Divorce Settlement?
Divorce settlements are a lot like personal injury lawsuits in that you may win the case but there's no guarantee the other party will pay the amount owed. While it can be challenging to get a reluctant ex-spouse to adhere to the divorce decree, you do have options available for enforcing the judge's orders. Here are a couple you can try.
File for a QDRO
A QDRO (Qualified Domestic Relations Order) is a court decree that orders the paying party to turn over a portion of the benefits available in his or her retirement plan.
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Is It True People Can Add Themselves To Your Wrongful Death Lawsuit Without Your Consent?
Many people assume that when they file a lawsuit against defendants, the case will be limited to the parties named in the suit. However, outside parties can jump into the fray whether you want them to or not. Here's how this can happen and what effect it may have on the outcome of your case.
Staging an Intervention
It's not unusual for incidents to involve more people than just the plaintiffs and defendants named in lawsuits.
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Workers Compensation Insurance: Crucial Questions
Filing for workers compensation is a daunting experience for any employee. The process for obtaining workers compensation payments for injuries on the job is often lengthy and complex. In addition, many people know very little about the workers compensation program's rules and regulations. This article answers some of the crucial questions related to this important topic.
Am I Automatically Covered?
The workers compensation programs across the United States cover most employees, but some key exceptions exist.
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